Build students’ literacy skills while fostering curiosity, creativity, and innovation!
Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM curriculum uses real-world examples to give students insight into how the engineering design process is used to solve real-world problems. The books feature dynamic images and text features that enhance the reading experience and build visual literacy.
Each book includes a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides students through every step of the engineering design process. By becoming STEAM proficient, kindergarten students are able to use higher-order thinking skills to answer complex questions, investigate issues, and develop solutions for modern-day problems. This kit supports social and emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom and aligns to state and national college and career readiness standards including NGSS.
1. 这套书的关键词是inspire curiosity, inspire perseverance, inspire wonder,引发好奇,锻炼毅力,带领探究。
2. STEAM融合。每一本中都会融合STEAM中的五个板块。比如在G3的一本Making a Mummy, 介绍木乃伊的时候,不仅会介绍它的历史,还会介绍它的制作原理和过程,最后会根据这个原理让孩子动手制作。附件是这本书的样张。
3. 话题非常丰富,如:Taking photos from space, Plant invaders. 附件中有图书的书目。
4. 培养科学素养。这套读物不仅是教会孩子是什么以及为什么,更在每本书的最后有一个STEAM Challenge的板块,一步一步的带领孩子进行探究型学习,学会提出问题,分析问题,总结方案,提升孩子的科学素养。
5. 职业生涯建议Career advice:从一年级开始,每本书都有一个建议来自于博物馆的工作人员以及相关领域的学者,引发孩子的思考。为什么要研究这个,如果我对这个领域感兴趣,还需要哪些技能,未来会有什么发展。